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Raptors Skunks Trainwreck 6-0

By Linguastat, 02/19/13, 9:50PM CST


Amanda Cook golden with two goals and Raptors strong on the ice to win the shutout

February 19, 2013, 9:50 PM

In a shutout, Raptors prevailed against Trainwreck 6 - 0 at West Side on Tuesday. Raptors tallied up two straight goals to jump in to the lead in the first period. Raptors added one goal in the second period and held on to its lead. Trainwreck's fate was sealed. In the final period Raptors scored three straight goals improving its score and winning the game.

Raptors's Amanda Cook netted two goals for Raptors. Heidi Reynolds, Tara Harms, Colleen Barry, and Leslie Garrett each contributed one goal for Raptors.

Showing off a strong glove, Raptors's Michele Herntier had 13 saves on 13 shots. Trainwreck's Katie Campion had only 31 saves on 37 shots on goal.

Trainwreck finished the game with a record of 5-13.